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Places & Things

Places, events, and key concepts that played a role

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 1850, Compromise of
 Ableman v. Booth
 affirmative action
 African American English
 African American literature
African architecture
 African art
 African dance
 African Greek Orthodox Church
 African literature
 African Methodist Episcopal Church
 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
African music
 African National Congress
 African popular music
 African theatre
 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
 Alabama Platform
 Alabama State University
 Alcorn State University
 American Anti-Slavery Society
American Civil War
 American Colonization Society
 American Equal Rights Association
 American Missionary Association
 Amistad mutiny
 Apollo Theatre
 Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God
 Art Ensemble of Chicago
 Asante empire
 Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians
 Atlanta Compromise